Okay...it's totally anecdotal.
When I take CBD isolate (not full spectrum), my entire sinuses clear right up.
In minutes!!
That's not even why I'm taking CBD but what a side effect.
Turns out that there is quite a bit of research to back CBD's effect on allergies and not a minute too soon.
The numbers for women go even higher!
Yes, higher than 1/2. That's a lot.
So...what if we could help reduce the stats in the US:
Maybe more alarming is the trend line.
In children alone...
This was from roughly 1998-2008.
The trend has only accelerated since then.
Something is going on.
We'll get into that as well.
Most importantly, we'll see what research is showing on CBD and Allergies and Histamines.
Enough talk. Springtime's coming...eventually.
You can jump right to the CBD comparison by price and safety here:
Or jump to any area here:
Let's get to it.
Allergies can display themselves in many ways:
Is this all the result of one thing in the body?
Pretty much.
It's your immune system going haywire.
We'll start with the basics and then get into some interesting thoughts on why allergies
are just one sign of our modern world's health crisis.
Here's the basic mechanism we'll keep track of for later.
It has to quickly determine if the foreign entity is no big deal or a threat to our very survival.
It's doing this billion of times a day across the entire body.
It works primarily where we come in contact with the outside environment.
Most of this is the skin, the gut, and the mouth/nasal passages.
The immune system really resides in the gut which is critical for later.
Histamine is at the heart of the symptoms of allergies.
Basically, histamine's job is to get those allergens (pet hair, pollen, food, etc) out of you as quickly as possible.
Usually, this is through the skin or digestive tract.
Hence the watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, etc.
Histamine creates inflammation at the site which signals the immune system to send repair chemicals.
That's your swelling, redness, and more.
Some foods are naturally high in histamines as well.
DAO is the genetic and chemical pathway that breaks down histamines once the threat is over.
This may be you if you have typical allergic reactions to the following:
Learn more here:
DAO primarily resides in the gut so that's going to be a key place to look in terms of allergies.
There's a great review on histamine intolerance here:
Oh...and as for that bee sting??
There's histamine actually in the venom!!
It's a common tool used by the plant and insect world for protection.
Don't eat me or you'll get a nasty response.
So...those are the basics of the allergic response and histamine release.
Now it's getting interesting.
Allergies are the result of the immune system over-reacting to pretty safe foreign bodies (pollen, pet dander, peanuts, etc).
First some interesting stats:
All this points to the hygiene theory.
We're just too clean early in life.
The immune system is not trained correctly and over-reacts.
This isn't dogma yet in the scientific community but the above points (and others) definitely point to something there.
Let's dig deeper.
All the new research is on the microbiome.
They are integrally tied into our immune system which shares a residence with them in the gut.
You can learn more about CBD and the Gut here.
These "good" bacteria may hold the key to allergies and histamine response.
A simple example...
Kids who get antibiotics in the first year of their life have higher rates of asthma:
From the same article, scientists then went on to narrow down the effects to 4 different strains of gut bacteria with a profound impact on asthma.
A fascinating read.
The ties go on and on:
There is a huge amount of data on this phenomenon and it all comes down to our microbiome.
Possibly the greatest influence on all our modern diseases...Bar NONE.
Check out CBD and probiotics for anxiety to see just one critical pathway.
Before we get into the endocannabinoid system, how is the microbiome doing these days?
Not good!!
We are swimming in a sea of microbiome weakeners if not outright killers:
The use of all has increased significantly in the last 40 years.
As have allergies!
The immune system is either not being exposed early on to sufficient "training" bacteria and/or the immune system is not functioning correctly under the weight of chemical exposure.
The latter is summarized in the NIH study below:
A simple but powerful example.
Cows have their own version of "pox"...cowpox. Lucky them.
Scientists intuited that exposure to the cowpox was somehow protecting the milkmaids from smallpox.
They tested their theory or prisoners (or be executed) by applying cowpox puss to open cuts in the prisoner.
They got sick but recovered.
They then were "vaccinated" from smallpox.
You can read all about the wondrous immune system in Daniel Davis' "The Beautiful Cure".
Fascinating read.
You can learn all about the microbiome and allergies here:
And here:
There's so much research on the microbiome and allergies...we'd never get to anything else.
So...let's eventually get to CBD and allergies.
First...the system it operates in!
Everybody has an endocannabinoid system that spans major systems and almost all cell types.
We share this system with most multi-cellular creatures all the way down to sea urchins.
It's approximately 600 million years old.
Here's a quick image:
The endocannabinoid system is tasked with balancing key systems:
Obviously, the immune system is key to our discussion of allergies.
Our innate immune system has its own endocannabinoids at work.
Anandamide and 2-AG are the dominant ones.
Early signs of a connection between the endocannabinoid system and allergies were found in animal studies.
For example, mice which are lacking CB1 and CB2 receptors had heightened allergic reactions:
Remember the mast cells discussed before...the arbiters of our body's reaction to allergens??
The activation of CB2 receptors on mast cells has direct anti-inflammatory effects, causing the decreased release of pro-inflammatory mediators by these cells.
In terms of Asthma, the endocannabinoid system appears crucial in regulating smooth muscle response.
This is also critical to blood pressure and other bodily functions.
More to the point, by stimulating or inhibiting the endocannabinoid receptors, mast cell activity can be directly affected:
It's the biological equivalent of the smoking gun!
Let's introduce one other character...IgE or Immunoglobin E. This is one of the actual chemicals released by mast cells that causes all the symptoms with allergies.
The endocannabinoid system is directly involved in calming this response:
In general, the system appears to be integral to bringing the immune response "threat level" from T1 to T2.
Okay...the endocannabinoid system is intimately involved in the allergic response within the body.
What about CBD?
CBD is an external cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant.
It and THC are the two largest by volume.
You can see all the research and articles on THC versus CBD here.
CBD has shown great promise as being an anti-inflammatory both through the body and more importantly, in the gut.
You can learn all about CBD and inflammation here or CBD and the Gut here.
We'll skip those aspects and dive right into its effects specifically on allergies.
We'll have an entire article on CBD and Asthma but a quick take-away.
The key takeaway...
Lungs. Check.
Let's move on to skin, a source of much allergic suffering.
It's not easy reading but the result of this study is that CBD reduced the various chemical messengers of allergies:
This is the first demonstration of the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD in an experimental model of ACD.
ACD is not the heavy metal band sans one letter but short for Allergic Contact Dermatitis.
Because allergic skin reaction is just too plain!
Keep in mind that the allergic response across the body uses the same if not an identical pathway.
Whether it's runny noses, skin rashes, or closing airways, the underlying pathway is the same.
The immune system triggers mast cells. Mast cells release inflammatory chemicals.
Based on the research above, CBD appears to balance the body's response at each level:
It's the trifecta of allergic response!
You can in-depth information here:
Is CBD high in histamines?
Can you be allergic to CBD?
Let's look at one other important aspect of what type of CBD might be best if you have allergic and histamine issues!
There's a great deal of froth over "full-spectrum" CBD.
Except for THC which has to be under .3%. Usually. Some full spectrum still has traces of THC.
Look at almost every website that talks about CBD.
Inevitably, they'll drop the "entourage effect" on you.
It sounds so good!
Marketing genius.
But is it real?
You can read all about full spectrum versus CBD isolate (what all this research is based on) here.
The net net in terms of allergies and histamines?
Our gut says that the "side effects" of CBD are actually in response to the full spectrum plant material.
Anecdotally, many people have confirmed this with their response to full-spectrum and then CBD isolate (by itself).
Try isolate first to see your body's allergic and histamine response.
Do this for at least 1 month or a full bottle of a higher CBD mg level (2000+)
You can then try full spectrum to see if there's a difference.
Also, full spectrum can have up to .3% THC.
This is a small amount but NOT zero!
There's a line of CBD which focuses on CBD isolate for histamine and allergy-sensitive people here.
Some people actually have allergic responses to THC itself!
This partially depends on your intended goal.
If it's mild symptoms of seasonal allergies, 25-30mg per day is a baseline wellness dosage.
It's also a good test dosage to see how your body responds.
It has been tested up to 1500mg with a strong safety profile.
Check out the CBD dosage page or CBD and safety here.
There is topical CBD balm but keep in mind, our allergic and histamine response is driven by our immune system.
And that is primarily directed from our gut!
As we mentioned above, we want CBD isolate so as not to put more of a burden on our histamine response.
We definitely want 3rd party tested CBD free of:
The CBD Isolate options by price (IndigoNaturals has free shipping so pricing is equivalent):
You can find a comparison by the price of major CBD brands here.
You can see the safety screened CBD by price value here: