CBD Research - How CBD Work
It's very depressing.
We'll have to go back and read our article on CBD and depression.
Looking at some of the top websites online regarding psoriasis, there's no mention of CBD.
Despite all the research we're going to show below.
No mention.
- There's talk about no cure.
- There's talk about medications (which have very serious side effects).
Lots of talk but no mention of CBD.
Knowing what is out there in the research and more importantly...
Seeing actual images of people who have used CBD for psoriasis, it's can be disheartening that so many people are suffering.
Roughly 7.5M people in the U.S. with 150K new cases each year.
The side effects for some of the medications are almost as serious as the drugs are expensive ($1000's each month).
Turn on satellite TV or pick up a magazine.
With enough time or pages, you'll see an ad for psoriasis.
Let's look at CBD specifically and base it on research.
We'll then go from depression to anger but at least we're making ground.
Anger that this information isn't out there!
If you want to jump right to the safety screened CBD option, go here:
Otherwise, you can jump to any section here:
Let's get started.
There is a lot of suffering to bring down!
Quick Intro To Psoriasis
We'll touch on the aspects of psoriasis that will become important later in the article.
So...what is psoriasis?
Basically, the body is making too many cells too quickly because it's under attack...by its own immune system!
Skin cells specifically.
The body has a careful control system of both cell creation and cell destruction that goes on all the time.
It's a delicate balance.
Skin has to be replaced all the time.
The top-level that we see is actually composed of dead cells.
Internally, the body has to also remove damages or senescent cells when needed.
The current theory is that poor removal of these damaged cells results in wrinkles, blemishes, and other issues tied with aging.
The term for this removal is apoptosis.
Leave it to the scientists to make it more confusing!
So why is the body making excess skin?
What happened to the balance needed in that process?
What Is The Main Cause Of Psoriasis
The reason is counterintuitive.
The enemy lies within!
Let's introduce T cells.
Killer cells in the body.
They are part of our immune system and their job is to protect us from foreign intruders.
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Mold
- Toxins
Anything that isn't us.
A new study found that they attack red meat because the cell surface contains a protein we no longer share.
That's the inflammation that accompanies eating beef!
With psoriasis, the T cells attack our skin and supporting cells.
This constant attack and rebuilding of skin tissue results in the scaling or abnormal skin growth.
It can get worse if it moves into the joints or elsewhere in the body.
It can make mistakes sometimes.
Psoriasis is one example of a host of modern diseases called autoimmune diseases.
That brings up a question we get often...
Is Psoriasis An Autoimmune Disease
We can say with pretty good certainty that psoriasis can be added to the long list of autoimmune diseases that plague modern society.
You can check out How CBD Works and the Beginner's Guide for reasons why these diseases are on the rise now!
Autoimmune just means that the body's immune system is attacking some part of us.
- Arthritis – joints
- GERD, IBS, Crohn's, etc – the gut
- Alzheimer's and Dementia – brain
Pick a body part or cell type and there's likely a related disease.
Psoriasis is the same dysregulated process attacking the skin.
The T Cells mentioned above is part of our immune system.
So...let's get on to what we're here for.
CBD and psoriasis.
We'll first talk about the system that CBD plays into.
The endocannabinoid system!
We're getting there. Be patient with us.
Psoriasis And The Endocannabinoid System
Now's a good time to introduce the endocannabinoid system.
It's a system intimately tied to almost every type of tissue in our body.
We have naturally occurring endocannabinoids that are the main actors for this system such as Ananadamide and 2-AG.
Its effects and integration within the skin are well established.
Here's a quick image of its role:
There are two aspects of the endocannabinoid system that come into play with psoriasis directly.
- Homeostasis of the immune system.
- Regulation of cell creation/removal
To put it bluntly...psoriasis is right smack in the middle of the endocannabinoid system's jurisdiction.
We'll see the research below on how the two interact.
So...what does this have to do with CBD?
Does CBD Help With Psoriasis
CBD is a cannabinoid found naturally in the cannabis plant.
Many people confuse it with THC, it's an unruly cousin.
They're very different!
CBD has been shown to support the endocannabinoid system.
We say support because we're not exactly sure whether it boosts or attenuates (reduces) the system at individual points.
It might do both depending on what's needed!
That could be why there isn't a documented case of overdose with CBD.
The body uses it as needed when naturally occurring endocannabinoids are depleted.
There is now a great deal of research showing that CBD can positively affect psoriasis.
The pictures of before/after with psoriasis and CBD are nothing short of miraculous.
That's anecdotal (unless you happen to be THAT person) so let's look at the research.
That's what we're for after all.
Research On CBD And Psoriasis
There are three main areas where research is showing promise for CBD and psoriasis:
- Inflammation
- Immune response
- Cell growth, proliferation, and removal
Let's look at research on each.
CBD has shown powerful abilities as an anti-inflammatory.
Check out all the ways CBD works with inflammation here.
It's also known that stress can exacerbate psoriasis symptoms and outbreaks.
CBD is showing promise in moderating this stress in regards to psoriasis:
utility of CB2 receptor agonists for the prevention of stress-induced exacerbations of skin disorders such as psoriasis.