We almost loathe writing this article.
How many substances have come and gone as a wonder cure for weight loss.
It's a veritable wasteland of cheesy marketing and potentially bad health effects.
We didn't want to color CBD in the same light since there's quite a bit of research at the National Institute of Health on the benefits of CBD.
Then came Diabetes.
As research increased on how CBD works with Diabetes, new information came forth on the interaction of CBD and our body's mechanisms for:
These ties directly into having a healthy weight.
Now...in today's world, healthy usually means lower.
Yes, there are those who can't put weight on but it's not THE epidemic.
We'll cry them a river in another article!
Here's the deal....when you read the first section on modern research regarding weight gain and appetite...
We'll get to that soon.
Let's then look at how CBD works with weight and appetite in depth.
Based on research.
We'll include the new cutting edge research on intraepithelial T lymphocytes and CBD! (you won't want to miss that!).
No schlocky advertising wizards!
You can always jump to the list of 3rd party tested CBD here:
Otherwise, jump to any section here:
Let's get started.
Yes, there's the pure physics of too many calories and not enough activity.
That doesn't explain why some people can eat whatever they want and never seem to put on weight.
Check out new research below that might affect this trait!
Or more importantly, why some people will pick at their food and not eat much at all!
There are obvious genetic differences between us that affect appetite and metabolism.
New research is saying the situation is much more complex than that.
There are effects of:
When you're eating that scone, its not just flower, oil, egg, and lemon.
There's so MUCH more than figures in depending on how it's sourced and how your body processes it.
Before we jump into the endocannabinoid system's influence and CBD directly, let's touch base on these.
Otherwise, we're just fighting the tide!
You may say, I haven't had antibiotics in years!
Yes, but your food probably has.
Especially meat if it's not organic or it IS from restaurants.
It's not just the hit of antibiotics given an animal who shows symptoms of being sick before slaughter.
There's a knock-on effect in the body:
Read the article. Please.
It will shed so much light on one aspect of why we're all getting bigger.
More information here:
That was back in 2013.
When you read these articles, you'll notice they inevitably end up talking about our gut bacteria.
All roads end up there in this section so we'll hit that last!
We'll start with the basics.
Our internal hormones are directly tied to weight and appetite.
Many women think that estrogen is just for reproduction.
They're used to the monthly cycling of estrogen and progesterone.
It's so much more with functions throughout the body and brain!
The protective version of estrogen (called estradiol) directly affects metabolism and weight:
Keep in mind that the actual chemicals in the body that govern energy use, metabolism, and weight maintenance are...drum roll, please...
If these hormones are out of balance, a direct impact is weight gain.
Here's a great look at the hormones of appetite and weight gain:
As a simple example of the interplay between hormones and weight, the stress hormone cortisol drives the conversion of blood sugar into fat.
More stress...more fat retention.
Then there's insulin which is responsible for managing sugar in the body. It's a hormone itself.
More importantly, there's a direct tie between estrogen and insulin.
A healthy estrogen level helps to manage insulin in terms of converting sugar to fat or sending it to muscles.
Look...to put a point on it...the chemical ghrelin that actually makes you feel "hungry"...is a hormone!
Leptin, the chemical that makes you feel full?
We rest our case honor!
The article above is a great read on how hormones affect weight.
Keep that idea stowed away as we get into the endocannabinoid system.
The microbiome, as it's called, is all the rage these days.
It's the collection of bacteria in our gut that almost operate as a separate organ!
The importance is only now being realized especially for the proper function of our immune response.
Evidence is emerging that the intestinal microbiome is intrinsically linked with overall health, including obesity risk.
If you need an "ah-ha" moment on the effect of gut biome on healthy weight, look what happens when bacteria from obese mice are transplanted to healthy mice:
60% increase in body fat.
2 weeks.
No change in food consumption or activity.
This is crazy!!
The gut biome and weight relationship could fill pages and pages. Check out CBD and the gut here.
You can learn all about it from the article above.
Next stop...something that impacts both hormones and gut biome.
Maybe we're not as smart as we think we are.
The many things we put in our food supply have been shown to directly affect weight gain and general health.
As a quick example...
That's one of many pesticides that can be found in our bodies at any given time.
What about our favorite...glyphosate?
It's a neurotoxin after all and thanks to big ag, we all have it in our bodies now.
Via its effect of a specific member of our gut biome and its effect on bile salt:
Then there are preservatives.
One example of their lovely effect on weight can be found in how they affect hormone signaling for hunger.
Without that signal telling us we're full, we're more likely to keep eating and gain weight.
Again, there are as many examples of their effects as there are preservatives.
Finally, there's us!
We all have our own genetic bag of tricks to deal with.
Some deal with how we absorb or metabolize (or don't) certain nutrients:
There's a gene for every nutrient we need to process.
Zinc. Vitamin D. Manganese.
You name it.
The gut biome has its own nutrient requirements and duties.
The bacteria in your gut can actually signal hunger to your body!
If we're taking in lots of empty calories or dead food, our bodies and the gut bacteria may be sending signals that they are starving for nutrients!
So...what can we do about all this?
Basically, one-word ingredients.
Apple. Cabbage.
No butylated hydroxytoluene (common food additive)
Goodness, we covered a lot there on why we gain weight.
What about the endocannabinoid system?
The endocannabinoid system is about 600 million years old.
We all have one and we share this system with most multicellular lifeforms.
Sorry insects, you're not invited to this party.
Here's a quick visual:
The endocannabinoid system is all the rage these days.
Well researchers didn't know much about till recently and it turns out it is tasked with balancing other key systems:
Right away, we see some key areas for weight and appetite.
That's the linchpin for healthy weight and appetite.
Let's look at research before we jump into CBD specifically (which acts on the endocannabinoid system).
We'll start with appetite and end with weight (because isn't that the general flow!)
Is there even a relationship there?
Turns out there is:
It's not just appetite though...
More specifically, the hormone ghrelin (your hungry feeling hormone) is administered via the endocannabinoid system in your body.
Researchers used so-called "knock out" mice that do not have CB1 receptors.
When given ghrelin, they did not exhibit an increase in appetite!
Let's look at the other side of the coin.
Satiety. Feeling full. No longer hungry.
That's leptin primarily.
Turns out it's directly intertwined with the endocannabinoid system as well:
We keep coming back to the hypothalamus.
Check out the CBD and addiction page here to see why that's so important.
But we already knew that!!
To wrap up this section...
We literally just spelled out the actors of appetite.
They are all actors on the endocannabinoid stage!
What about weight??
Hormones govern the incredibly complicated system of balancing calorie intake, energy use, and the resulting fat creation.
All hormones.
We see this when it goes awry such as with Diabetes (see CBD and Diabetes).
Let's look at one aspect of this very complex system.
It's the good fat that actually causes the body to use up calories!
Brown fat is primarily used to create heat and as a result, burns up calories.
We use to think that babies had more of it and we lost it over time.
Turns out that adults can create more brown fat.
Cold exposure will do it.
Guess what else will?
We'll touch on this below in the CBD specific section (hint hint).
It's not just fat though...there's an entire system at play here with the gut and microbiome playing a major role:
Finally, the food addiction angle:
Hedonic is just a fancy word for habit-forming.
Again, check out the CBD and addiction page for info.
The reward system is definitely in play here for obesity!
You can also learn about CBD and the gut for more information on how it works with the microbiome or mini universe of gut bacteria here.
That's a whole other article!
Finally, let's get into CBD.
We looked at the bigger picture...the endocannabinoid system above.
CBD works within this system to either boost or reduce activity at the various CB receptors.
In this way, it can have different effects.
CB1 activation in the brain is known to stimulate appetite (hence the munchies with THC).
CBD, however, doesn't directly stimulate the CB1 receptor.
In fact, in some of the earlier studies for other issues, one noted "side effect" was a reduction in appetite:
This is thought to occur in the CB2 receptors throughout the body but most importantly in the endocrine system which actually governs appetite.
This one aspect points to how much misinformation is online regarding CBD.
Most sites will proclaim that CBD is an appetite stimulant!
So it's CBD Isolate (so much for the "entourage effect" if we're trying to lose weight!).
Appetite stimulants can be important for HIV and cancer patients but the vast majority of us are trying to move the dial the other way!
That's CBD.
Also, CBD works with the immune and endocrine system which governs the key hormones which drive hunger (Ghrelin) and satiety (Leptin).
The first signs of their interaction came about while studying anorexia:
Balancing the interplay between these key hormones is the role of the endocannabinoid system which CBD supports.
Let's look at some specifics.
Research is showing that CBD directly (and positively) impacts these aspects of our energy metabolism system:
Keep in mind that the research is all pretty new with CBD with lots more coming.
The endocannabinoid system is expressed throughout the entire metabolism/energy pathway so we expect to see many more results as the research comes in.
We'll add the new information as we get it.
We'll leave it with this:
"Lipid metabolism". Breaking down fat.
Yes, please.
Now, let's get a cutting edge.
A brand new piece of research found that the presence of certain cells in the gut slows metabolism and increases the risk for related diseases.
When that cell type wasn't as prevalent...
Wow! Their assessment...
What does that have to do with CBD?
Oh, just this:
We want to see more research on this but it could explain CBD's effects on diabetes, weight, energy, and a host of issues!
For more information, check out CBD and the Gut or CBD and Diabetes.
A general wellness dosage of CBD oil is about 25-30 mgs per day.
Make sure to start slow and test how your body responds.
It's even been studied up to 1500mg with a strong safety profile.
It might make sense to go up the scale if you have serious consequences of obesity and/or diabetes.
Always work with your doctor (preferably a naturopath who doesn't just hand out scripts) with CBD or any supplement!
We recommend CBD isolate to avoid histamine and allergic issues that can accompany "full-spectrum".
It concerns us that many people will try full-spectrum, have a bad response, and give up on CBD.
There are so many people suffering and CBD itself has a lot of research on its ability to help!
Check out the full spectrum versus isolate article for more details.
The CBD Isolate options by price (IndigoNaturals has free shipping so pricing is equivalent):
Of course, it needs to be 3rd party tested free of:
It also needs to have a sufficient amount of CBD ITSELF in the bottle.
That's why we screened the big brands for total CBD and most importantly...
Cost per MG of CBD!
That's what really matters.
We need to be able to afford it.
Check out the comparison of CBD oil here.
Of course, let us know your results on CBD and weight!
Let's help each other!
You can see all the brands and products here:
Please leave us feedback on your experience with a brand of CBD or results!
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